Healed of Cancer I got a phone call Monday from a man who used to come regularly to church with his family. They haven't been for a long time and I hadn't really heard much from them for about two years. Interestingly enough, Judy and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking about a year ago and we thought of them. I decided to call and say hello and ask how they were doing. The wife answered the phone and was shocked. She said, "I can't believe this!!! We were just talking about you and Judy and said that we really need to start going to church again. I can't believe this!!!" After that they did come to church again. One time. About a week and a half ago, their daughter sent me a message on Facebook and said that her mother was in the hospital with cancer. She asked for prayer. I wrote back and said that we were praying and we did. So on Monday I got the call that I referred to. He said that last week the doctors had diagnosed his wife with cancer and that they wanted to start chemotherapy on Monday. When Monday came, she asked them if this was really necessary. She wanted to know if there were any other options. They said that they had found malignant cells and that it had begun to metastasize and yes, they had to start immediately with chemo. For some reason however, they wanted to first reexamine the tests that they had performed on her last week. After doing so they decided to do a few more tests. When the tests were finished the doctors came and said that they could no longer find any signs of malignancy, metastasis or cancer. She was healed! As the man was telling me this on Monday, he was so excited and thankful! Monday just happened to be his birthday. He said, "This is the best birthday present I ever got!!!" God is so good! He answers prayer! Do you need healing today? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Call upon Him now!
Five herneated discs instantly healed! I met a man in his early 40's named Markus last night. He told me that he started having extreme pain in his back several years ago. He went to several doctors and they told him that he had 5 herniated discs. Anyone who has ever had herniated discs knows how painful they are. He said that the pain was so bad that he would at times break down and cry. Often he wouldn't be able sleep because the pain was so intense. It affected his work as a policeman, his marriage and practically every area of his life. He was desperate for help and somehow heard about a FGBMFI chapter in Linz where they pray for the sick. He decided to go and ask them to pray for him. They told him that he should first pray to receive Jesus Christ. Although this was somewhat strange and new to him he said, "I figured it couldn't hurt and prayed with them." Afterwards they prayed for his healing. To his astonishment the pain left. He said that it amazed him that prayer could do something like that. After the meeting went home not really understanding all that he had experienced. As soon as he got home the pain returned and was just as intense as it was before. Again in desperation he visited the FGBMFI chapter leader and asked him "to heal him again". The same thing happened. The pain left after prayer but as soon as he got home it returned again. He didn't know what to make of it all. Shortly after this he heard about an evangelist in Vienna who conducted healing meetings. He decided to attend one of the meetings in the hopes that his pain would leave permanently. Instead of being healed he was rebuked by the evangelist. The evangelist told him, you may have prayed a sinner's prayer but you haven't really allowed Jesus to come into your life and do what He wants to do. He left the meeting still in pain but now also confused and unsure about his relationship with God. He continued attending the FGBMFI chapter meetings in Linz and he heard some of the guys talk about our church in Wels. He thought to himself, "Maybe I should check this out too". On the first Sunday that he attended I gave an invitation for those who were unsure about their relationship with God to come for prayer. I do this in Austria sometimes because many people are not really sure of what it means to be born again or saved. Lots of people confuse church membership or water baptism with salvation and are never really sure if they are right with God or not. In short, they have never really heard or understood the gospel. Markus came forward for prayer wanting primarily to make sure that he was truly saved. I prayed for him and this is how he described what happened, "You placed the palm of your hand in front of me and prayed for me. When you did this something like a mighty wind went through my whole being. In that moment I knew that I was saved and that Jesus was living in me. But not only that, all the pain instantly left my body and I have been healed and pain free ever since then!" As I heard this, I thanked God for His great love and for the way that He reaches out to help people in just the way that they need it. It has been several months since Markus first visited our church and he told me that since he gave his life to Jesus his marriage has been restored and every area of his life has improved! Hallelujah! That is the difference that Jesus makes! That is the difference between merely existing and enjoying true life in abundance in Jesus! Tell somebody about what Jesus has done for you and let them know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He that healed the sick 2000 years ago is still healing people today!
Miracle Baby! Towards the end of last year I was ministering at one of our churches in Rohrbach, Upper Austria. I preached about God's healing power and at the end of the message they came forward for prayer. There were tears in their eyes and they seemed pretty desperate. They had been married a number of years and had been trying to get pregnant without success. After an examination, her doctor explained that there was a problem with her cervix and that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant. He literally said that it would be impossible for her to have chidlren. Naturally, they were discouraged - but their faith in God refused to give up. The things that are impossible with man are possible with God. After they explained their situation we all prayed for them. Because of my busy schedule I hadn't been able to get back to this church until June of this year. When I arrived, they immediately came in my direction and I could see that something was up. They were literally glowing with joy. That's when they told me the good news. She was pregnant! They both had tears in their eyes - this time they were tears of joy and they repeated several times, "This is really a miracle. The doctor said it was impossible!" Thank God for His great miracle working power. He is able to heal every sickness and every disease! He is able to recreate things that are damaged or broken! He is able to transform a barren woman into a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord! And never forget: What God has done for one, He willing and able to do for all! (By the way - the pregnancy went well, the baby was born and they can now hold their little miracle in their arms!)
Brain Tumor Disappeared! I received a call from Anita on a Sunday evening. Anita has been a member of our church for a long time. She was crying and told me that her doctor diagnosed her with a brain tumor. She had gone to the hospital for tests because of recurrent pain in her head. They did an MRI and it revealed a tumor. The doctor told her that the tumor was most likely benign but he wanted to do a biopsy to be sure. He also wanted to do some other tests to determine if the tumor was the source of her head pain. He explained that if it was the cause, they would have to operate and remove it. She was understandably upset. We prayed over the phone and rebuked the tumor in Jesus' Name! I encouraged her to trust God and to give me a call when she had more information. A week went by and I hadn't heard from her so I called her. She told me that she had been in the hospital on Thursday to have the biopsy done. When she got there the doctor said that he wanted to do a CT first. After the CT, he came back to her and said that they couldn't find the tumor! They did another CT - which they normally don't do - and it verified that the tumor was gone. The doctor said he wasn't sure what happened. I told Anita, "Maybe he's not sure but we are! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!" The tumor disappeared and the recurrent headaches stopped! Praise God! This testimony is already several years old. During all this time Anita has been tumor and pain free! The tumor simply disappeared in Jesus' Name and took the pain with it when it left! Our God is an awesome God! What He did for Anita He wants to do for you! Rebuke sickness in Jesus' Name and put all of your trust in God! He is the Almighty and nothing is too difficult for Him!
Lymphoma Healed! Gerlinde has been attending our church for about 12 years. She attended and graduated from Rhema Bible Training College here in Wels, Austria. During a check up, her doctor noticed some swelling in her lymph nodes and sent her to get some tests done. A biopsy revealed that Gerlinde had Lymphoma. The doctors wanted to operate immediately and start her on chemotherapy but she asked for some time to consider her options and to pray. They emphasized the urgency of the situation and the danger of the cancer spreading to other organs but in the end they allowed her two weeks to make the decision. They also set a date at the end of the two weeks for her to return and be operated on. Gerlinde told us about the diagnosis and the advice of her doctors and we prayed with her. She didn't immediately notice any change in the swelling and the two weeks were quickly running out. The last day of the two weeks coincided with the first Sunday of the month. In our church, we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month like so many other churches around the world. We also believe that every communion service is a healing service. The bread and wine represent our redemption in Christ and all that He accomplished for us through His death on the cross. When we eat the bread we are reminded of His sufferings for us and that, "By His wounds we are healed". (Isaiah 53:5) There was a special anointing during that service and the power of the Lord was present to heal. During communion, Judy went to Gerlinde and prayed for her again. It was a special and powerful time! The next morning around 9:00, Gerlinde called Judy and said that the doctors sent her home. After examining her they found nothing out of the ordinary and cancelled the operation. She had been healed! It was almost funny because Gerlinde said it to Judy so matter-of-factly with hardly any emotion at all. I think Judy and I were more excited about it than Gerlinde! Judy asked, "Did I hear you right? They sent you home? You're healed?" Yes, she was healed and has never had a problem with her lymph nodes again! Thank God for communion and for our redemption in Christ! By His stripes we are healed!
Breast Cancer Healed by a Special Miracle! The first time that I preached in Kassel was in May of 2008 at a faith conference called “His Glory”. I had already ministered several times during the conference but on Saturday evening the Holy Spirit moved in an extraordinary way. After the message we prayed for at least 250-300 people. Many were saved, renewed, filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit and several testified that they had been healed. I was finished and ready to turn the service back over to Pastor Matthias Jordan, who was the host of the conference, when something very special happened. Suddenly the Holy Spirit revealed to me through a word of knowledge that He wanted to heal someone with breast cancer through a handkerchief that I had in my pocket. You probably know the scripture in Acts 19:11-12 where it says, “Now God worked special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.” I’m not claiming to be like Paul or anywhere near it but I know that God doesn’t use us because of who and what we are. He works through us because of Who He is and because of how much He loves people. And because of this scripture, I almost always carry a cloth handkerchief in my pocket just in case He wants to do something like that again. I immediately said, “God wants to heal someone with breast cancer but He wants to do it through a handkerchief. If you have a loved one with breast cancer, come up here right now”. A very tiny woman from Poland who looked to be between 55 - 60 years old came forward. I quoted the scripture in Acts 19 to her, gave her some instructions and told her to give the handkerchief to her daughter. After that we ended the service and went back to the hotel. So many times we never hear about what may or may not have happened afterwards. Judy and I drove back to Wels and honestly didn’t think too much about the handkerchief or the woman’s daughter anymore. But about seven months later we got a Christmas card from that little Polish lady. She wrote with great joy that she had given the handkerchief to her daughter, read the scripture to her and that her daughter was completely healed! What joy! What a mighty God we serve! He still does special miracles today! You and I might not be apostles like Paul but I want to encourage you to believe God. The same mighty God who healed people in the Book of Acts is looking for vessels He can work through today! Be one of them!
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Healed of Cancer I got a phone call Monday from a man who used to come regularly to church with his family. They haven't been for a long time and I hadn't really heard much from them for about two years. Interestingly enough, Judy and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking about a year ago and we thought of them. I decided to call and say hello and ask how they were doing. The wife answered the phone and was shocked. She said, "I can't believe this!!! We were just talking about you and Judy and said that we really need to start going to church again. I can't believe this!!!" After that they did come to church again. One time. About a week and a half ago, their daughter sent me a message on Facebook and said that her mother was in the hospital with cancer. She asked for prayer. I wrote back and said that we were praying and we did. So on Monday I got the call that I referred to. He said that last week the doctors had diagnosed his wife with cancer and that they wanted to start chemotherapy on Monday. When Monday came, she asked them if this was really necessary. She wanted to know if there were any other options. They said that they had found malignant cells and that it had begun to metastasize and yes, they had to start immediately with chemo. For some reason however, they wanted to first reexamine the tests that they had performed on her last week. After doing so they decided to do a few more tests. When the tests were finished the doctors came and said that they could no longer find any signs of malignancy, metastasis or cancer. She was healed! As the man was telling me this on Monday, he was so excited and thankful! Monday just happened to be his birthday. He said, "This is the best birthday present I ever got!!!" God is so good! He answers prayer! Do you need healing today? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Call upon Him now!
Five herneated discs instantly healed! I met a man in his early 40's named Markus last night. He told me that he started having extreme pain in his back several years ago. He went to several doctors and they told him that he had 5 herniated discs. Anyone who has ever had herniated discs knows how painful they are. He said that the pain was so bad that he would at times break down and cry. Often he wouldn't be able sleep because the pain was so intense. It affected his work as a policeman, his marriage and practically every area of his life. He was desperate for help and somehow heard about a FGBMFI chapter in Linz where they pray for the sick. He decided to go and ask them to pray for him. They told him that he should first pray to receive Jesus Christ. Although this was somewhat strange and new to him he said, "I figured it couldn't hurt and prayed with them." Afterwards they prayed for his healing. To his astonishment the pain left. He said that it amazed him that prayer could do something like that. After the meeting went home not really understanding all that he had experienced. As soon as he got home the pain returned and was just as intense as it was before. Again in desperation he visited the FGBMFI chapter leader and asked him "to heal him again". The same thing happened. The pain left after prayer but as soon as he got home it returned again. He didn't know what to make of it all. Shortly after this he heard about an evangelist in Vienna who conducted healing meetings. He decided to attend one of the meetings in the hopes that his pain would leave permanently. Instead of being healed he was rebuked by the evangelist. The evangelist told him, you may have prayed a sinner's prayer but you haven't really allowed Jesus to come into your life and do what He wants to do. He left the meeting still in pain but now also confused and unsure about his relationship with God. He continued attending the FGBMFI chapter meetings in Linz and he heard some of the guys talk about our church in Wels. He thought to himself, "Maybe I should check this out too". On the first Sunday that he attended I gave an invitation for those who were unsure about their relationship with God to come for prayer. I do this in Austria sometimes because many people are not really sure of what it means to be born again or saved. Lots of people confuse church membership or water baptism with salvation and are never really sure if they are right with God or not. In short, they have never really heard or understood the gospel. Markus came forward for prayer wanting primarily to make sure that he was truly saved. I prayed for him and this is how he described what happened, "You placed the palm of your hand in front of me and prayed for me. When you did this something like a mighty wind went through my whole being. In that moment I knew that I was saved and that Jesus was living in me. But not only that, all the pain instantly left my body and I have been healed and pain free ever since then!" As I heard this, I thanked God for His great love and for the way that He reaches out to help people in just the way that they need it. It has been several months since Markus first visited our church and he told me that since he gave his life to Jesus his marriage has been restored and every area of his life has improved! Hallelujah! That is the difference that Jesus makes! That is the difference between merely existing and enjoying true life in abundance in Jesus! Tell somebody about what Jesus has done for you and let them know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He that healed the sick 2000 years ago is still healing people today!
Miracle Baby! Towards the end of last year I was ministering at one of our churches in Rohrbach, Upper Austria. I preached about God's healing power and at the end of the message they came forward for prayer. There were tears in their eyes and they seemed pretty desperate. They had been married a number of years and had been trying to get pregnant without success. After an examination, her doctor explained that there was a problem with her cervix and that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant. He literally said that it would be impossible for her to have chidlren. Naturally, they were discouraged - but their faith in God refused to give up. The things that are impossible with man are possible with God. After they explained their situation we all prayed for them. Because of my busy schedule I hadn't been able to get back to this church until June of this year. When I arrived, they immediately came in my direction and I could see that something was up. They were literally glowing with joy. That's when they told me the good news. She was pregnant! They both had tears in their eyes - this time they were tears of joy and they repeated several times, "This is really a miracle. The doctor said it was impossible!" Thank God for His great miracle working power. He is able to heal every sickness and every disease! He is able to recreate things that are damaged or broken! He is able to transform a barren woman into a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord! And never forget: What God has done for one, He willing and able to do for all! (By the way - the pregnancy went well, the baby was born and they can now hold their little miracle in their arms!)
Brain Tumor Disappeared! I received a call from Anita on a Sunday evening. Anita has been a member of our church for a long time. She was crying and told me that her doctor diagnosed her with a brain tumor. She had gone to the hospital for tests because of recurrent pain in her head. They did an MRI and it revealed a tumor. The doctor told her that the tumor was most likely benign but he wanted to do a biopsy to be sure. He also wanted to do some other tests to determine if the tumor was the source of her head pain. He explained that if it was the cause, they would have to operate and remove it. She was understandably upset. We prayed over the phone and rebuked the tumor in Jesus' Name! I encouraged her to trust God and to give me a call when she had more information. A week went by and I hadn't heard from her so I called her. She told me that she had been in the hospital on Thursday to have the biopsy done. When she got there the doctor said that he wanted to do a CT first. After the CT, he came back to her and said that they couldn't find the tumor! They did another CT - which they normally don't do - and it verified that the tumor was gone. The doctor said he wasn't sure what happened. I told Anita, "Maybe he's not sure but we are! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!" The tumor disappeared and the recurrent headaches stopped! Praise God! This testimony is already several years old. During all this time Anita has been tumor and pain free! The tumor simply disappeared in Jesus' Name and took the pain with it when it left! Our God is an awesome God! What He did for Anita He wants to do for you! Rebuke sickness in Jesus' Name and put all of your trust in God! He is the Almighty and nothing is too difficult for Him!
Lymphoma Healed! Gerlinde has been attending our church for about 12 years. She attended and graduated from Rhema Bible Training College here in Wels, Austria. During a check up, her doctor noticed some swelling in her lymph nodes and sent her to get some tests done. A biopsy revealed that Gerlinde had Lymphoma. The doctors wanted to operate immediately and start her on chemotherapy but she asked for some time to consider her options and to pray. They emphasized the urgency of the situation and the danger of the cancer spreading to other organs but in the end they allowed her two weeks to make the decision. They also set a date at the end of the two weeks for her to return and be operated on. Gerlinde told us about the diagnosis and the advice of her doctors and we prayed with her. She didn't immediately notice any change in the swelling and the two weeks were quickly running out. The last day of the two weeks coincided with the first Sunday of the month. In our church, we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month like so many other churches around the world. We also believe that every communion service is a healing service. The bread and wine represent our redemption in Christ and all that He accomplished for us through His death on the cross. When we eat the bread we are reminded of His sufferings for us and that, "By His wounds we are healed". (Isaiah 53:5) There was a special anointing during that service and the power of the Lord was present to heal. During communion, Judy went to Gerlinde and prayed for her again. It was a special and powerful time! The next morning around 9:00, Gerlinde called Judy and said that the doctors sent her home. After examining her they found nothing out of the ordinary and cancelled the operation. She had been healed! It was almost funny because Gerlinde said it to Judy so matter-of-factly with hardly any emotion at all. I think Judy and I were more excited about it than Gerlinde! Judy asked, "Did I hear you right? They sent you home? You're healed?" Yes, she was healed and has never had a problem with her lymph nodes again! Thank God for communion and for our redemption in Christ! By His stripes we are healed!
Breast Cancer Healed by a Special Miracle! The first time that I preached in Kassel was in May of 2008 at a faith conference called “His Glory”. I had already ministered several times during the conference but on Saturday evening the Holy Spirit moved in an extraordinary way. After the message we prayed for at least 250-300 people. Many were saved, renewed, filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit and several testified that they had been healed. I was finished and ready to turn the service back over to Pastor Matthias Jordan, who was the host of the conference, when something very special happened. Suddenly the Holy Spirit revealed to me through a word of knowledge that He wanted to heal someone with breast cancer through a handkerchief that I had in my pocket. You probably know the scripture in Acts 19:11-12 where it says, “Now God worked special miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.” I’m not claiming to be like Paul or anywhere near it but I know that God doesn’t use us because of who and what we are. He works through us because of Who He is and because of how much He loves people. And because of this scripture, I almost always carry a cloth handkerchief in my pocket just in case He wants to do something like that again. I immediately said, “God wants to heal someone with breast cancer but He wants to do it through a handkerchief. If you have a loved one with breast cancer, come up here right now”. A very tiny woman from Poland who looked to be between 55 - 60 years old came forward. I quoted the scripture in Acts 19 to her, gave her some instructions and told her to give the handkerchief to her daughter. After that we ended the service and went back to the hotel. So many times we never hear about what may or may not have happened afterwards. Judy and I drove back to Wels and honestly didn’t think too much about the handkerchief or the woman’s daughter anymore. But about seven months later we got a Christmas card from that little Polish lady. She wrote with great joy that she had given the handkerchief to her daughter, read the scripture to her and that her daughter was completely healed! What joy! What a mighty God we serve! He still does special miracles today! You and I might not be apostles like Paul but I want to encourage you to believe God. The same mighty God who healed people in the Book of Acts is looking for vessels He can work through today! Be one of them!